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Based on the text, judge the following items.

Several factors are supposed to be considered whenever a choice of style is required.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Not only cultural theorists but also technophiles have quickly foreseen unimagined changes in our present-day orderly society.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Nowadays, many people, the world over, are regularly involved in text-based CMC activities.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The widespread use of a networked medium has not yet come to be under total control.

Based on the text, judge the items from 111 to 120.

In the first paragraph the author emphasizes the biological similarities presented by human beings and claims that people are the same but for the different languages they speak.

Judge the following item on translation and semiotics.

The relationships between the different signs of a specific language are unique. However, such relationships can be identically reproduced during the translation process depending on the skills of the translator.

Considering the text and the topics to which it refers, judge theitems below.

Humans should always produce the initial draft translation instead of post-editing a raw machine translation.

Judge the following items based on the text above.

In the text, the word “disparate” (L.2) is the same as distinct.

Judge the following items based on the text above.

Inter-semiotic translation can be said to be a translation between two different communication systems.

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Juzgue los ítems siguientes de acuerdo con el texto de arriba.

La forma verbal ‘se instauró’ (L.10) expresa una acción reflexiva.

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uzgue los ítems de 46 a 51 de acuerdo con el texto de arriba.

El elemento ‘Lo’, en ‘mucho más que las pruebas de solvencia de la banca, que no han ofrecido grandes novedades. Lo más positivo es que la banca española ha quedado bien’ (L.18-20), ejerce la función de artículo.

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uzgue los ítems de 46 a 51 de acuerdo con el texto de arriba.

El pronombre relativo ‘que’ tiene, en ‘las consecuencias que tendrá la desaceleración económica mundial, que ya se está reflejando’ (L.6-8), siempre el mismo elemento como referente.

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uzgue los ítems de 46 a 51 de acuerdo con el texto de arriba.

El elemento ‘aunque’ (L.3) es sustituible por si bien sin que se produzcan alteraciones semánticas o gramaticales en el texto.

Imagem 008.jpg

uzgue los ítems de 46 a 51 de acuerdo con el texto de arriba.

El sustantivo “primas” (L.14) significa lo mismo que deudas.

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Juzgue los ítems siguientes de acuerdo con el texto de arriba.

Si sustituimos la expresión “contratos basura” (L.12) por contratos de basura se producen alteraciones semánticas o de registro en el texto.