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Read the text below and answer the questions that


Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows

employees to avoid long commutes.

“Brring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It's

8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office.

You roll out of bed, brush your teeth and stumble your

way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing

your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily for you, you

don't have to go far – you work at home.

Telecommuting, or working at home, has grown in

popularity over the last 20 years.

On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to

long commutes and opting to work at home. In fact,

the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of

employees working from home grew by 23 percent

from 1990 to 2000

Telecommuting workers revel in making their own

schedule – allowing them to schedule work around

family and personal commitments. With the ready

availability of technology tools, like the Internet and

home computers, companies are more willing to let

employees work from home.

How Telecommuting Works

(Adapte dfrom : Access on 18 January, 2014)

The pronoun THEM in the last paragraph of the text refers to:

Em relação ao coeficiente de deflúvio C da equação do Método Racional Q = C.i.A, o que é correto dizer?

O estado crítico do fluxo através da seção de um canal pode ser relacionado a vários condicionantes importantes. Um deles possui a seguinte característica:

De acordo com a Resolução CONAMA n° 357/2005, a classe de águas salinas, destinada apenas à navegação e harmonia paisagística, é:

São componentes básicos do Sistema de Gestão Ambiental, EXCETO:

Read the text below and answer the questions that


Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows

employees to avoid long commutes.

“Brring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It's

8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office.

You roll out of bed, brush your teeth and stumble your

way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing

your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily for you, you

don't have to go far – you work at home.

Telecommuting, or working at home, has grown in

popularity over the last 20 years.

On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to

long commutes and opting to work at home. In fact,

the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of

employees working from home grew by 23 percent

from 1990 to 2000

Telecommuting workers revel in making their own

schedule – allowing them to schedule work around

family and personal commitments. With the ready

availability of technology tools, like the Internet and

home computers, companies are more willing to let

employees work from home.

How Telecommuting Works

(Adapte dfrom : Access on 18 January, 2014)

According to the text, workers:

As formações geológicas, denominadas aquíferos, apresentam características diferentes. São denominados aquíferos primários as seguintes alternativas, EXCETO:

Read the text below and answer the questions that


Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows

employees to avoid long commutes.

“Brring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It's

8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office.

You roll out of bed, brush your teeth and stumble your

way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing

your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily for you, you

don't have to go far – you work at home.

Telecommuting, or working at home, has grown in

popularity over the last 20 years.

On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to

long commutes and opting to work at home. In fact,

the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of

employees working from home grew by 23 percent

from 1990 to 2000

Telecommuting workers revel in making their own

schedule – allowing them to schedule work around

family and personal commitments. With the ready

availability of technology tools, like the Internet and

home computers, companies are more willing to let

employees work from home.

How Telecommuting Works

(Adapte dfrom : Access on 18 January, 2014)

Choose the correct sentence, according to the text.

A ARSAE — MG goza de autonomia administrativa, técnica, financeira e patrimonial, e seus dirigentes exercem mandato com estabilidade parcial. Essas são características típicas de agências reguladoras que, como aARSAE — MG, têm a natureza de:

Read the text below and answer the questions that


Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows

employees to avoid long commutes.

“Brring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It's

8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office.

You roll out of bed, brush your teeth and stumble your

way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing

your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily for you, you

don't have to go far – you work at home.

Telecommuting, or working at home, has grown in

popularity over the last 20 years.

On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to

long commutes and opting to work at home. In fact,

the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of

employees working from home grew by 23 percent

from 1990 to 2000

Telecommuting workers revel in making their own

schedule – allowing them to schedule work around

family and personal commitments. With the ready

availability of technology tools, like the Internet and

home computers, companies are more willing to let

employees work from home.

How Telecommuting Works

(Adapte dfrom : Access on 18 January, 2014)

According to the text, telecommuting refers to:

Entre os parãmetros mais utilizados na avaliação do impacto ambiental, causado pelo lançamento de efluentes nos corpos receptores, estão a Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO) e a Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO). Ainda sobre esses parãmetros é correto dizer que:

I. a determinação da DQO permite respostas em um tempo menor (aproximadamente 2 horas pelo método dicromato de potássio) do que a da DBO (aproximadamente 5 dias) e engloba toda a matéria que pode ser quimicamente oxidada, em particular os sais minerais.

II. a DQO é uma medida indireta da quantidade de compostos orgânicos presentes em uma água por meio de um oxidante, como o dicromato.

III. a DBO é a quantidade de oxigênio requerida por microrganismos aeróbios para a oxidação de compostos orgânicos presentes em uma água.

IV. o teste da DQO mede o consumo de oxigênio para oxidação de compostos orgânicos, sendo afetado pela nitrificação e indicando apenas matéria orgãnica carbonácea. V. uma relação entre DBO e DQO elevada indica uma água com elevado teor de metais pesados.

Estão corretas somente as afirmativas:

De acordo com o Decreto Federal n° 5.440/2005, os prestadores de serviço de transporte de água para consumo humano de água deverão entregar aos consumidores, no momento do fornecimento, informações relativas e indicativas da qualidade e da potabilidade da água fornecida tais como:

I. data, validade e número ou dado indicativo da autorização do órgão de saúde competente.

II. identificação, endereço e telefone do órgão de saúde competente.

III. nome e número de identidade do responsável pelo fornecimento.

IV. local e data de coleta da água. V. tipo de tratamento e produtos utilizados.

VI. cor, cloro residual livre, turbidez, pH e coliformes totais, registrados no fornecimento.

Diante do que se apresenta nos itens acima, a única alternativa que aponta os que estão corretos é:

Read the text below and answer the questions that


Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows

employees to avoid long commutes.

“Brring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It's

8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office.

You roll out of bed, brush your teeth and stumble your

way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing

your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily for you, you

don't have to go far – you work at home.

Telecommuting, or working at home, has grown in

popularity over the last 20 years.

On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to

long commutes and opting to work at home. In fact,

the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of

employees working from home grew by 23 percent

from 1990 to 2000

Telecommuting workers revel in making their own

schedule – allowing them to schedule work around

family and personal commitments. With the ready

availability of technology tools, like the Internet and

home computers, companies are more willing to let

employees work from home.

How Telecommuting Works

(Adapte dfrom : Access on 18 January, 2014)

The technology tools mentioned in the text refer to:

Os sistemas de esgoto costumam ser classificados de acordo com os tipos de efluentes a serem esgotados. Em relação a esse assunto é correto afirmar que:

© Aprova Concursos - Al. Dr. Carlos de Carvalho, 1482 - Curitiba, PR - 0800 727 6282