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Assinale a opção correta no que concerne ao processo administrativo disciplinar:

Nos termos da Lei Federal nº 8.112, de 1990 (Regime Jurídico dos Servidores Públicos Federais), é correta a opção que afirma que

Segundo as normas da Constituição Federal que tratam do tema servidor público, pode-se afirmar:

Analisando as afirmações seguintes, relativas ao modelo de referência CMMI,

I. É um modelo que classifica a maturidade do processo de desenvolvimento adotado na empresa.

II. Apresenta quatro níveis de maturidade do processo, sendo o último nível um indicativo de que há evidências quantitativas para acompanhar e monitorar o projeto.

III. O único objetivo do CMMI é melhorar a qualidade do software produzido, sem que necessariamente isso reflita no processo de desenvolvimento.

IV. O último nível do CMMI é conhecido como nível de melhoria contínua, ou nível em otimização.

verifica-se que

Cada item abaixo é uma definição de uma etapa de um projeto.

I. A multilevel, multi-sectored package of measures, requiring multilevel planning and structuring, leading towards an overall goal.

II. One or more processes in which an individual or group takes part in specific decision-making and action, and over which they may exercise specific controls.

III. Result of a project relative to its objective that are sufficient and necessary to achieve the objective and are generated by its respective partner’s output.

IV. The intended physical, financial, institutional, social, environmental, educational or other goals which a project is expected to achieve and which lies in its own sphere of influence.

Associe cada definição com um substantivo que a sinteza:

Nos termos do Estatuto da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, é correta seguinte opção:

Em uma das páginas eletrônicas de uma universidade americana, podemos encontrar as 3 recomendações transcritas abaixo e que foram escritas para os usuários dos computadores da universidade.

1. Student users have a responsibility to use University computer resources in an efficient, ethical, and lawful manner.

2. The University has a right and a duty to protect its valuable computer resources and to restrict student access to uses that are strictly related to the students' university related programs as well as reasonably limited in time. The University reserves the right to define what are unauthorized student uses.

3. Violations of University computer policy which do not constitute an immediate, clear danger to the University computer systems or networks will be referred to the regular student disciplinary process.

Escolha a opção que melhor sintetiza e nomeia a página. Leve em consideração os conhecimentos gramatical e lexical.

Avaliando as sentenças seguintes a respeito de estrutura de dados,

I. A diferença entre árvore binária simples e árvores AVL é o fato de que a segunda pode se reconfigurar dinamicamente, com o intuito de manter um bom nível de balanceamento.

II. Uma pilha garante que o último elemento inserido seja localizado no seu topo. Porém, do ponto de vista conceitual, qualquer elemento da pilha pode ser removido, ainda que não esteja no seu topo.

III. Do ponto de vista conceitual, não há diferença alguma entre uma estrutura de array e uma lista encadeada.

IV. Tabelas hash são estruturas de dados indicadas para armazenar grande volume de dados. Apesar dessas estruturas permitirem acesso indexado, mais de um elemento pode ter o mesmo índice. Elementos com o mesmo índice podem ser armazenados em uma mesma lista encadeada.

verifica-se que

'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in thetop five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.

According to the text, the correct sentence is:

'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in thetop five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.

According to the text:

Cada opção abaixo revela uma mensagem eletrônica que um aluno universitário enviou para uma universidade americana solicitando informações sobre os cursos de pós-graduação. Qual é a única opção que apresenta a mensagem gramaticalmente correta?

'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in thetop five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.

In the sentence: “Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out the top five: put those four apps together…”, round out means the same

'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in thetop five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.

Complete the sentence from the text with a pronoun: “The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases,"_____ at one point threatened to take the top place,…”

Com relação às disposições concernentes à educação superior e que constam na Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996, com alterações posteriores, Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, assinale a opção correta:

Dadas as seguintes afirmações a respeito de árvores B,

I. Em uma árvore B de ordem "m" cada nó tem, no máximo, "m" filhos.

II. Em uma árvore B de ordem "m" cada nó (exceto a raíz e as folhas) tem pelo menos "m/2" filhos.

III. Árvores B precisam ser rebalanceadas frequentemente.

IV. Um nó não-folha com "k" filhos deve ter k chaves.

V. Todas as folhas aparecem no mesmo nível e carregam informação.

estão corretos os itens

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