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PART I - For the question, after reading the text below, mark the appropriate alternative to the question:

The idea of the connective “for example", in line 6 is:

PART II – Answer question according to the instructions. Choose the best alternative in order to complete the sentences. There is only one possibility.

A: Who’s that guy over there? Do you know him? B: That’s Pedro. I’ve known him _______ 2011.

PART II – Answer question according to the instructions. Choose the best alternative in order to complete the sentences. There is only one possibility.

A: We have a Spanish test and I can’t memorize all the vocabulary. B: _______! The teacher _______ us to use a dictionary

PART II – Answer question according to the instructions. Choose the best alternative in order to complete the sentences. There is only one possibility.

A: Barbara likes _______ teachers. Do you like _______? B: Oh, yes! I like _______ very much.

PART I - For the question, after reading the text below, mark the appropriate alternative to the question:

Choose the TRUE alternative according to the text:

PART II – Answer question according to the instructions. Choose the best alternative in order to complete the sentences. There is only one possibility.

Choose the CORRECT sequence of events represented by the sentence below: “By the time Tom arrived I had already finished cooking.”

PART II – Answer question according to the instructions. Choose the best alternative in order to complete the sentences. There is only one possibility.

Mathew: Did you watch the game yesterday? It was terrific! Joshua: I couldn’t. I _______.

PART II – Answer question according to the instructions. Choose the best alternative in order to complete the sentences. There is only one possibility.

Some studies claim that physical exercise _______ you thin. They say that exercise makes you hungry and that we often reward ourselves afterward by eating the junk food we like.

PART I - For the question, after reading the text below, mark the appropriate alternative to the question:

Choose the FALSE alternative according to the text:

PART II – Answer question according to the instructions. Choose the best alternative in order to complete the sentences. There is only one possibility.

A: Where’s that delicious pasta you made for lunch? I’d like to have _______ for dinner. B: There isn’t _______ left.

PART II – Answer question according to the instructions. Choose the best alternative in order to complete the sentences. There is only one possibility.

That is the school _______ my son will study.

PART II – Answer question according to the instructions. Choose the best alternative in order to complete the sentences. There is only one possibility.

On Valentine’s Day in the USA people give each other poems to strengthen their bond of _______.

O texto a seguir servirá de base para a questão

“Que foi isso, de repente? Nada; dez anos se passaram. Não diga! Se somaram? Se perderam? Algumas relações se aprofundaram? Se esgarçaram? Onde estávamos? Onde estamos? E... aonde vamos? O tempo, em lugar nenhum e em silêncio, passa. É inegável - todos temos mais dez anos agora. Ainda bem, poderíamos ter menos dez. Tudo nos aconteceu. Amamos, disso temos certeza. E fomos amados - onde encontrar a certeza? Avançamos aqui materialmente, ali não, nos realizamos neste ponto, em outros queríamos mais, algumas coisas tivemos mais do que pretendíamos ou merecíamos - mas isso é difícil de reconhecer. Perdemos alguém - "Viver é perder amigos". No meio do feio e do amargo, no tumulto e no desgaste, tivemos mil diminutos de felicidade, no ar, no olhar, na palavra de afeto inesperado, que sei? Espera, eu sei. É a única lição que tenho a dar; a vida é pequena, breve, e perto. Muito perto - é preciso estar atento." Millôr Fernandes

Observe as afirmativas acerca do texto:

I. O autor faz uma análise dos acontecimentos ao longo de dez anos e conclui que, por causa da brevidade da vida, devemos estar atentos a vivermos o hoje;

II. “E... aonde vamos?" o sinal de reticência é usado para indicar que fora suprimido parte do texto;

III. “ Espera, eu sei" – o verbo destacado está no modo imperativo;

IV. “Avançamos aqui materialmente, ..." A palavra “materialmente" é formada por derivação sufixal.

São verdadeiras as afirmativas:

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