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Read the extract of a text written by a student. The proposal was to write a letter of complaint to the manager of a store where the student, as a client, had a problem when he bought something online. The teacher explained the task and highlighted that students were supposed to come up with a situation, explaining what happened exactly and how they would like the situation to be solved. One of the criteria for correction was grammar accuracy, since the letter is supposed to be formal:

(…) To my surprise, when I opened the box, I realized that it did not contain the cell phone I had purchased. I had already bought other items from Luke's and I had never had any problems before. I was really anxious for my new cell phone and I just could not believe it. Though, I write this letter to inform you about what happened and to ask you for a refund or for the correct item. I called the store, but nobody could offer me a solution. People were a bit rude and I felt very disappointed. Never before had I been treated that way, which is why I also ask for a retraction. I am aware of the good quality of the products you sell. I have been a client for about 5 years. I hope this situation can be solved soon.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely,


Mark the alternative that corresponds to a grammar inaccuracy, considering the context of the letter.

A Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996 − conhecida como a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB) −, já sofreu alterações durante os seus mais de vinte anos de vigência. Analise as assertivas abaixo e assinale a alternativa que NÃO condiz com o texto da LDB e suas alterações.

Sabe-se que na construção de um texto há fatores que desencadeiam efeitos de sentido, ocasionando uma interpretação adequada do que se lê. Se essas estruturas textuais são utilizadas de forma inadequada, podem comprometer a transmissão da mensagem. Dentre os principais fatores de textualidade está a coesão. Sobre esse conceito, podemos inferir que

Ao dissertar sobre como avaliar a textualidade, Maria da Graça Costa Val (2006, p. 17) expõe que: “Um dos pontos-chave da linguística textual é a discussão sobre o que faz de um texto um texto, isto é, em que consiste a essência de um texto, que propriedade distingue textos de não-textos." Em face do exposto, considere os itens a seguir e julgue as alternativas que seguem:

I. A conceituação teórica, que busca estabelecer em que nível se situa e com que elementos lida a coerência, mostra-se muitas vezes fruto da análise fenomenológica, empenhada em descobrir que características usualmente apresentam os textos incoerentes.

II. Grande número de estudos recentes apontam a coerência como fator imprescindível da textualidade.

III. A coesão é entendida como a configuração conceitual subjacente e responsável pelo sentido do texto, e a coerência como sua expressão no plano linguístico.

IV. Para Charolles (1978), um texto coerente e coeso satisfaz a quatro requisitos: a repetição, a progressão, a não-contradição e a articulação. Tais requisitos são denominados pela autora de continuidade, progressão, não-contradição e articulação.

V. A continuidade é a retomada textual de elementos conceituais e informais, limitandose a essa repetição.

VI. A progressão diz respeito à unidade; tem a ver com a retomada de elementos no decorrer do discurso.

Hutchinson and Waters (1991) point out that English for Specific Purposes (ESP) emerged from three common reasons. One of them is related to the changes in the aim of linguistics, considering the variation from one language situation of use to another. Besides that, the expansion of technology and commerce after World War II, especially in the United States, explains why English became a necessity.

Mark the alternative that is related to the third reason why ESP became popular worldwide:

Kumaravadivelu (2001) points out that what is known as method has not been enough to fulfill language learning needs. Methods have been used as a set of practices designed by specialists in order to make language acquisition happen. However, according to Kumaravadivelu, studies have shown that the use of these sets of practices may have the opposite effect, since they do not seem to consider students' context, which prevents learning from being meaningful. For the author, a postmethod pedagogy has emerged from studies that focus on teachers' beliefs, reasoning and cognition. This postmethod condition is, therefore, a three-dimensional system consisting of three parameters.

Read the examples of practices below and mark the alternative that respectively corresponds to the three parameters that form the postmethod pedagogy system as described by Kumaravadivelu:

I. Teachers are able to theorize from their own practice, developing knowledge and skills.

II. Teachers identify problems, find solutions and go through a cycle of observation, reflection and action.

III. Teachers consider experiences brought to the classroom and provide an environment where linguistic and social needs are considered.

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