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Joana foi à loja de roupas para comprar peças novas do uniforme da escola do seu filho. Uma bermuda custava R$ 35,00 e uma camiseta com o logotipo do colégio custava R$ 20,00. Joana comprou uma bermuda e duas camisetas e, por ter comprado as três peças juntas, ganhou um desconto e pagou o total de R$ 66,00 pelas três peças.
O desconto que Joana ganhou foi de:


Innovation is the new key to survival


At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for

controlling costs. Companies that have invested in such technologies

as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless trucks and

trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while

simultaneously driving up productivity.

Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that

innovation can do much more than reduce capital intensity.

Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people and

energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity.

Capturing the learnings

The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and

development (R&D) around particular processes or technologies.

Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such as leveraging

supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges,

redefining their participation in the energy value chain or finding new

ways to engage and partner with major stakeholders and


To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome

their traditionally conservative tendencies. In many cases, miners

struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at other mining

companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result,

innovation becomes less of a technology problem and more of an

adoption problem.

By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to

adapt practical applications that already exist in other industries and

apply them to fit their current needs. For instance, the tunnel boring

machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly

reduce miners' reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines

were too large to apply in a mining setting. Some innovators,

however, are now incorporating the underlying technology to build

smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other

industries to realize more rapid results.

Re-imagining the future

At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in

entirely new ways. Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused on

extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput by

optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly

innovative mindset, however, will see them adopt an entirely new

design paradigm that leverages new information, mining and energy

technologies to maximize value. […]

Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost

reduction. It can help mining companies mitigate and manage risks,

strengthen business models and foster more effective community

and government relations. It can help mining services companies

enhance their value to the industry by developing new products and

services. Longer-term, it can even position organizations to move the

needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility,

environmental performance and sustainability.



The verb “reduce” in “reduce capital intensity” (l. 7) has the same meaning as:


Innovation is the new key to survival


At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for

controlling costs. Companies that have invested in such technologies

as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless trucks and

trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while

simultaneously driving up productivity.

Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that

innovation can do much more than reduce capital intensity.

Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people and

energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity.

Capturing the learnings

The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and

development (R&D) around particular processes or technologies.

Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such as leveraging

supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges,

redefining their participation in the energy value chain or finding new

ways to engage and partner with major stakeholders and


To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome

their traditionally conservative tendencies. In many cases, miners

struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at other mining

companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result,

innovation becomes less of a technology problem and more of an

adoption problem.

By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to

adapt practical applications that already exist in other industries and

apply them to fit their current needs. For instance, the tunnel boring

machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly

reduce miners' reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines

were too large to apply in a mining setting. Some innovators,

however, are now incorporating the underlying technology to build

smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other

industries to realize more rapid results.

Re-imagining the future

At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in

entirely new ways. Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused on

extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput by

optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly

innovative mindset, however, will see them adopt an entirely new

design paradigm that leverages new information, mining and energy

technologies to maximize value. […]

Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost

reduction. It can help mining companies mitigate and manage risks,

strengthen business models and foster more effective community

and government relations. It can help mining services companies

enhance their value to the industry by developing new products and

services. Longer-term, it can even position organizations to move the

needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility,

environmental performance and sustainability.



“For instance" in “Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused

on extracting" (l. 34-35) is used to:

Mining tourism in Ouro Preto

Ouro Preto is surrounded by a rich and varied natural

environment with waterfalls, hiking trails and native vegetation

partially protected as state parks. Parts of these resources are

used for tourism. Paradoxically, this ecosystem contrasts with the

human occupation of the region that produced, after centuries, a

rich history and a cultural connection to mining, its oldest

economic activity which triggered occupation. The region has an

unlimited potential for tourism, especially in specific segments

such as mining heritage tourism, in association or not with the

existing ecotourism market. In fact, in Ouro Preto, tourism,

history, geology and mining are often hard to distinguish; such is

the inter-relationship between these segments.

For centuries, a major problem of mining has been the reuse of

the affected areas. Modern mining projects proposed solutions to

this problem right from the initial stages of operation, which did

not happen until recently. As a result, most quarries and other

old mining areas that do not have an appropriate destination

represent serious environmental problems. Mining tourism

utilizing exhausted mines is a source of employment and income.

Tourism activities may even contribute to the recovery of

degraded areas in various ways, such as reforestation for leisure

purposes, or their transformation into history museums where

aspects of local mining are interpreted.

Minas Gerais, and particularly Ouro Preto, provides the strong

and rich cultural and historical content needed for the

transformation of mining remnants into attractive tourism

products, especially when combined with the existing cultural

tourism of the region. Although mining tourism is explored in

various parts of the world in extremely different social, economic,

cultural and natural contexts, in Brazil it is still not a strategy

readily adopted as an alternative for areas affected by mining


(Lohmann, G. M.; Flecha, A. C.; Knupp, M. E. C. G.; Liccardo, A.

(2011). Mining tourism in Ouro Preto, Brazil: opportunities and

challenges. In: M. V. Conlin; L. Jolliffe (eds). Mining heritage and

tourism: a global synthesis. New York: Routledge, pp. 194-202.)

Text 1 refers to “hiking trails” (l. 2), which are primarily intended for:


Innovation is the new key to survival


At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for

controlling costs. Companies that have invested in such technologies

as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless trucks and

trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while

simultaneously driving up productivity.

Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that

innovation can do much more than reduce capital intensity.

Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people and

energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity.

Capturing the learnings

The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and

development (R&D) around particular processes or technologies.

Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such as leveraging

supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges,

redefining their participation in the energy value chain or finding new

ways to engage and partner with major stakeholders and


To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome

their traditionally conservative tendencies. In many cases, miners

struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at other mining

companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result,

innovation becomes less of a technology problem and more of an

adoption problem.

By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to

adapt practical applications that already exist in other industries and

apply them to fit their current needs. For instance, the tunnel boring

machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly

reduce miners' reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines

were too large to apply in a mining setting. Some innovators,

however, are now incorporating the underlying technology to build

smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other

industries to realize more rapid results.

Re-imagining the future

At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in

entirely new ways. Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused on

extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput by

optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly

innovative mindset, however, will see them adopt an entirely new

design paradigm that leverages new information, mining and energy

technologies to maximize value. […]

Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost

reduction. It can help mining companies mitigate and manage risks,

strengthen business models and foster more effective community

and government relations. It can help mining services companies

enhance their value to the industry by developing new products and

services. Longer-term, it can even position organizations to move the

needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility,

environmental performance and sustainability.



When Text 3 informs that elements can be “shifted around"

(l.9), it means they can be:

O Turismo é uma área de conhecimento relativamente recente para fins de estudos em gestão. Além de multifacetada, apropriase de conceitos de outras atividades para sua própria definição, o que acaba por cercá-la de estereótipos. Sobre o setor de viagens, é correto afirmar que:

Turistas domésticos brasileiros respondem mais positivamente à propensão de viajar quando questionados nos meses anteriores ao período de verão. A precisão dessa informação terá maior grau de confiança se:

A atividade turística, tradicionalmente, tem imagem positiva quanto a seus impactos gerais. Porém, o efeito de qualquer atividade sem controle pode levar a perdas irreversíveis, principalmente no ambiente natural. Nesse sentido, o planejamento de atividades e empreendimentos turísticos locais pode ser melhor estruturado se lançar mão de:

Regionalização do turismo é uma tendência mundial. Na prática, significa que:

A hotelaria é um dos setores de maior importância para o desenvolvimento dos efeitos positivos da atividade turística. Dados do Boletim de Desempenho Econômico do Turismo (BDET Nº 46, Abril de 2015) destacam a seguinte conclusão sobre o setor: “Após dez trimestres consecutivos de crescimento no Faturamento dos meios de hospedagem, jan.-mar./2015 apresentou saldo negativo (-13%), queda brusca se comparado com o saldo do trimestre anterior, que foi de 16%. O saldo é correspondente à diferença entre as assinalações de majoração do faturamento e as de queda, que para o primeiro trimestre de 2015 apresentaram, respectivamente, os seguintes percentuais de respondentes: 34% e 47%, enquanto 19% indicaram estabilidade.” Para o gestor de turismo, essa informação indica que:

RevPar é um índice muito utilizado na hotelaria para:

O nióbio produzido em Araxá responde por 75% de toda a produção mundial. Sua produção anual é de 70 mil toneladas. O nióbio de Araxá tem reserva para ser explorado por mais de 400 anos. (
Considerando os dados fornecidos, é possível estimar que a reserva do nióbio de Araxá, em toneladas:


Innovation is the new key to survival


At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for

controlling costs. Companies that have invested in such technologies

as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless trucks and

trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while

simultaneously driving up productivity.

Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that

innovation can do much more than reduce capital intensity.

Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people and

energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity.

Capturing the learnings

The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and

development (R&D) around particular processes or technologies.

Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such as leveraging

supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges,

redefining their participation in the energy value chain or finding new

ways to engage and partner with major stakeholders and


To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome

their traditionally conservative tendencies. In many cases, miners

struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at other mining

companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result,

innovation becomes less of a technology problem and more of an

adoption problem.

By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to

adapt practical applications that already exist in other industries and

apply them to fit their current needs. For instance, the tunnel boring

machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly

reduce miners' reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines

were too large to apply in a mining setting. Some innovators,

however, are now incorporating the underlying technology to build

smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other

industries to realize more rapid results.

Re-imagining the future

At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in

entirely new ways. Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused on

extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput by

optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly

innovative mindset, however, will see them adopt an entirely new

design paradigm that leverages new information, mining and energy

technologies to maximize value. […]

Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost

reduction. It can help mining companies mitigate and manage risks,

strengthen business models and foster more effective community

and government relations. It can help mining services companies

enhance their value to the industry by developing new products and

services. Longer-term, it can even position organizations to move the

needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility,

environmental performance and sustainability.



The fragment “To reap these rewards” (l. 17) means to:


Innovation is the new key to survival


At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for

controlling costs. Companies that have invested in such technologies

as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless trucks and

trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while

simultaneously driving up productivity.

Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that

innovation can do much more than reduce capital intensity.

Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people and

energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity.

Capturing the learnings

The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and

development (R&D) around particular processes or technologies.

Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such as leveraging

supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges,

redefining their participation in the energy value chain or finding new

ways to engage and partner with major stakeholders and


To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome

their traditionally conservative tendencies. In many cases, miners

struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at other mining

companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result,

innovation becomes less of a technology problem and more of an

adoption problem.

By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to

adapt practical applications that already exist in other industries and

apply them to fit their current needs. For instance, the tunnel boring

machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly

reduce miners' reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines

were too large to apply in a mining setting. Some innovators,

however, are now incorporating the underlying technology to build

smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other

industries to realize more rapid results.

Re-imagining the future

At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in

entirely new ways. Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused on

extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput by

optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly

innovative mindset, however, will see them adopt an entirely new

design paradigm that leverages new information, mining and energy

technologies to maximize value. […]

Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost

reduction. It can help mining companies mitigate and manage risks,

strengthen business models and foster more effective community

and government relations. It can help mining services companies

enhance their value to the industry by developing new products and

services. Longer-term, it can even position organizations to move the

needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility,

environmental performance and sustainability.



The word “them" in “apply them to fit" (l. 25) refers to:

Mining tourism in Ouro Preto

Ouro Preto is surrounded by a rich and varied natural

environment with waterfalls, hiking trails and native vegetation

partially protected as state parks. Parts of these resources are

used for tourism. Paradoxically, this ecosystem contrasts with the

human occupation of the region that produced, after centuries, a

rich history and a cultural connection to mining, its oldest

economic activity which triggered occupation. The region has an

unlimited potential for tourism, especially in specific segments

such as mining heritage tourism, in association or not with the

existing ecotourism market. In fact, in Ouro Preto, tourism,

history, geology and mining are often hard to distinguish; such is

the inter-relationship between these segments.

For centuries, a major problem of mining has been the reuse of

the affected areas. Modern mining projects proposed solutions to

this problem right from the initial stages of operation, which did

not happen until recently. As a result, most quarries and other

old mining areas that do not have an appropriate destination

represent serious environmental problems. Mining tourism

utilizing exhausted mines is a source of employment and income.

Tourism activities may even contribute to the recovery of

degraded areas in various ways, such as reforestation for leisure

purposes, or their transformation into history museums where

aspects of local mining are interpreted.

Minas Gerais, and particularly Ouro Preto, provides the strong

and rich cultural and historical content needed for the

transformation of mining remnants into attractive tourism

products, especially when combined with the existing cultural

tourism of the region. Although mining tourism is explored in

various parts of the world in extremely different social, economic,

cultural and natural contexts, in Brazil it is still not a strategy

readily adopted as an alternative for areas affected by mining


(Lohmann, G. M.; Flecha, A. C.; Knupp, M. E. C. G.; Liccardo, A.

(2011). Mining tourism in Ouro Preto, Brazil: opportunities and

challenges. In: M. V. Conlin; L. Jolliffe (eds). Mining heritage and

tourism: a global synthesis. New York: Routledge, pp. 194-202.)

Mark the statements below as TRUE (T ) or FALSE ( F) according to Text 1. ( ) Tourism may actually be quite beneficial to some degraded mining areas. ( ) Mining tourism has recently been promptly embraced by Brazilian regions. ( ) Ouro Preto is attracting people because mining is one of its most recent activities. The correct sequence is:

© Aprova Concursos - Al. Dr. Carlos de Carvalho, 1482 - Curitiba, PR - 0800 727 6282