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Acerca das competências e habilidades a serem desenvolvidas no ensino da língua inglesa de acordo com os PCNEM, julgue o próximo item.

Por envolver tanto a gramática da língua quanto seus aspectos culturais e sociais, a aprendizagem do inglês relaciona-se a outras disciplinas.

Tendo o fragmento de texto precedente como referência inicial, julgue o item subsequente, relativo a avaliação.

A avaliação permite a coleta de dados que pode guiar as escolhas do professor de línguas quanto aos procedimentos a ser adotados durante o processo de ensino-aprendizagem.

Based on the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text above, judge the item below.

It can be inferred from the text that there should be three distinct approaches to the teaching of English, depending on how and why students acquire this language.

Based on the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text above, judge the item below.

The word “economic", in “economic inequality" (R.24), could be replaced by economical, without changing the meaning of the text.

Concerning the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.

In the text, the words “primary" (R.4) and “dominant" (R.23) mean basically the same thing, both referring to the current status of the English language in the world.

Concerning the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.

In the passage “The British linguist David Crystal suggests that English fosters cultural opportunity" (R. 16 and 17), the word “that" can be omitted without this making the sentence grammatically incorrect.

Judge the following item according to the ideas of the previous text and its linguistic aspects.

In “As long as a student chooses goals" (R. 7 and 8), “as long as" means after a long time.

Concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of the previous text, judge the following item.

According to the text, there are several benefits for people who frequently spend time in the forest.

Based on the cartoon and the vocabulary and language used in it, judge the item below.

In the last balloon, “weird" is synonymous with strange, bizarre.

Based on the cartoon and the vocabulary and language used in it, judge the item below.

The boy does not understand that a toast is a slice of bread that is exposed to heat from a grill or fire.

Concerning the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.

The man was treated with antibiotics because he caught an infection.

On the previous text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the item below.

In the last sentence of the text, “postie" (R.12) is an informal way to refer to the postman.

Julgue o item seguinte, acerca do processo avaliativo da língua inglesa na educação básica.

O aprendizado da língua inglesa deve ser avaliado primordialmente por meio de avaliações quantitativas, de modo a classificar os alunos, preparando-os para os vestibulares.

Based on the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text above, judge the item below.

The sentence: “For some people, it is acquired as a first language" (R.15) can be correctly rewritten as For some people, it has acquired as a first language.

Concerning the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.

The ideia contained in the fragment “since it provides for high levels of interconnectedness" (R.2) can also be correctly expressed as because it makes profound interconnectedness possible.

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