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  • 1
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    • b
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    • e
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    • Certo
    • Errado
  • 6
    • a
    • b
    • c
    • d
  • 7
    • a
    • b
    • c
    • d

Complete the sentence below with the quantifier. Choose the CORRECT answer.

"Me: I need to add sugar to this cake recipe, right?!

"My wife: Yes, But not ______"

Nouns as ‘food’ (l. 06) may be countable or uncountable, depending on the context. The following nouns usually follow the same rule, EXCEPT:

Which noun does not have the correct definition? Choose the INCORRECT answer.

Which noun does not have the correct spelling on its plural form? Choose the INCORRECT answer. (Countable and Uncountable Nouns)

Based on the text, judge the following items.

A little is considered a correct alternative for “a few" in “a few channels" (lines 7 and 8).

Which noun does not have the correct definition? Choose the INCORRECT answer. (Countable and Uncountable Nouns)

Which noun does not have the correct definition? Choose the INCORRECT answer.

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