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There are several occurrences of the pronoun THEY in the text. Choose the alternative which indicates the correct referent of the pronoun.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The pronoun “You" (l.4) refers specifically to the individuals who are reading the text.

Based on the text above, judge the following items

In the first paragraph, the word “it” (L. 2 and 3) refers to “technology” (R.2) both in “when it comes” (L.2) and in “it is more” (L.3)

Judge the following items concerning the ideas and the language

used in the text above.

The words “their” (l.13) and “they” (l.14) refer, respectively, to “people” (l.13) and “roles” (l.13).

Based on the text, judge the following items.

In the excerpt “it takes place before an action is carried out” (l. 38 and 39), the pronoun “it” refers to “anticipatory tool” (l.38).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

In the first paragraph, the word “it” (L. 2 and 3) refers to “technology” (R.2) both in “when it comes” (L.2) and in “it is more” (L.3).

O pronome “ it” , na linha 9, refere-se a:

As palavras "We" e "Our" estão sendo usadas no texto como:

Concerning the referent to the pronoun it , in the fragments below,

In terms of reference,

In terms of reference,

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