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Analyze the sentences below.

I - A large tree has fallen and amassed a car, seconds after its owner had parked and got out;

II - I advertised him I couldn't stay long because I had to milk the cows;

III - The campaign finance reform effort eventually succeeded, named for a companion bill;

IV - The study, in the journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters, considered measurements of outdoor, or ambient, air pollution.

Observing the semantical use of the false cognates, choose the correct option.

Read the text below to answer question.

One of the strategies in teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is to help students identify false cognates, such as:

Read the following article and answer question based on the text.

In the excerpt “ensuring that those who come will actually be immersed" (paragraph 4), the word “actually" is:

In the text CB3A1AAA,

the verb “realize” (l7) can be replaced by accomplish without any change in the meaning of the sentence.

No trecho do último parágrafo – Police officers must be available for shift work at any time of day and any day of the week, including holidays. –, a palavra em destaque transmite a ideia de

Which sequence best completes the conversation below?
Jane: Did you paint your bedroom when you (1) to your new flat?
Mary: Yes, I did.
Jane: But did you do it yourself or did you call a painter?
Mary: Oh, I don't think I'd able to do it myself. I (2) my bedroom (3) .