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Everyone knows that the apartment

that Monica and Rachel lived in on Friends is one

of the most opulent TV fantasies of all. Yeah,

yeah, we all know Monica “inherited" the

spacious apartment from her Grandma, so

therefore it was probably rent controlled. But

even considering that, it was always confusing

how a chef and a part-time barista/waitress

made the rent on that place.

Actually, how much was that place? And how

much would it cost today?

The New York Post did the math and concluded

that that apartment would cost $4,500 a month if

you rented it today. WOOF!

Based on its location in NY's desirable West

Village and its presumed location at 90 Bedford

St., and taking into account recent listings at that

location, plus the terrace, plus average twobedroom

rent in that area…their calculations have

decided that this pad would cost $4,500.

Granted, rent was cheaper in the '90s, but so

was the living wage. Actually, the minimum

wage in New York around the time that Rachel

was waitressing was approximately $5 an hour.

So, let's just assume a magical money tree was

paying for her share of the rent.

Don't even get us started on Joey and Chandler's

two-bedroom down the hall. The New York Post

claims their place would price in the high $3,000s

per month. Soooo, imagine being a partially

employed actor with your share of the rent

costing $1,500 and you don't even have a dead

grandma to inherit the place from!

Ughh, TV magic amirite?

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