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New vacine could fight nicotine addiction

Cigarette smokers who are having trouble quitting

because of nicotine's addictive power may some day be

able to receive a novel antibody-producing vaccine to help

them kick the habit.

The average cigarette contains about 4 000 different

chemicals that — when burned and inhaled — cause the

serious health problems associated with smoking. But

it is the nicotine in cigarettes that, like other addictive

substances, stimulates rewards centers in the brain and

hooks smokers to the pleasurable but dangerous routine.

Ronald Crystal, who chairs the department of genetic

medicine at Weill-Cornell Medical College in New York,

where researchers are developing a nicotine vaccine,

said the idea is to stimulate the smoker's immune system

to produce antibodies or immune proteins to destroy the

nicotine molecule before it reaches the brain.

BERMAN, J. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2012

Muitas pessoas tentam parar de fumar, mas fracassam e

sucumbem ao vício. Na tentativa de ajudar os fumantes,

pesquisadores da Weill-Cornell Medical College estão

desenvolvendo uma vacina que

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