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Scared fit

My body was telling me things I did not want to hear. In February 2010, my doctor confirmed what my body was

telling me. My not feeling well was a result of years of neglecting my body and diet. At 62, I had developed high blood

pressure, type 2 diabetes, and my cholesterol was going through the roof. At 4' 10" and weighing 227 pounds, the

problem was in the mirror looking back at me. My doctor said, “lose weight, start eating healthy, and start exercising if you

want to live to a ripe old age". Needless to say, I was scared I wouldn't see my grandkids and great–grandkids grow up.

PAZ, A. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 fev. 2012

No texto Scared fit, que relata a experiência de Amanda de la Paz relacionada aos cuidados com a saúde, a palavra

scared faz referência ao seu medo de

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