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Based on the previous text, judge the following items

In the text, the words “making” (R.14), “training” (R.29) and “ruling” (R.43) are all used as verbs indicating actions.

Based on the previous text, judge the following items

Helping to avoid housing inequity, the program recently adopted by the American government has been inspired by the final great legislative achievement in the civil rights era in the United States, which tried to prevent housing discrimination.

Based on the previous text, judge the following items

The new program will be accomplished mainly by the federal public sector, although it has been recognized as outstanding by some technology and educational entities.

Based on the previous text, judge the following items

The choice of a school as the setting for Obama’s speech concerning the new program may be due to the fact that it will enable the use of Internet resources in education as a means of changing ordinary people’s lives.

Based on the previous text, judge the following items

The governmental program announced intends to aid impoverished families to have home access to resources which have been available only to affluent ones.

Based on the previous text, judge the following items

The expression “technology-driven society” (R.5) could be correctly replaced by technologically oriented society, in which case the meaning of the text would not be altered.

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