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  • 15
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    • b
    • c
    • d

Concerning the ideas of the previous text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.

The phrase “Surveys abound" (ℓ.8) could be correctly replaced by There are numerous surveys, without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Judge the following item, concerning the vocabulary used in text 5A7-I.

The word “undisputed" (R.30) may be replaced by unquestioned, without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Based on the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text above, judge the item below.

The word “economic", in “economic inequality" (R.24), could be replaced by economical, without changing the meaning of the text.

Based on the cartoon and the vocabulary and language used in it, judge the item below.

In the last balloon, “weird" is synonymous with strange, bizarre.

On the previous text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the item below.

In the last sentence of the text, “postie" (R.12) is an informal way to refer to the postman.

In the fragment “The threat to stability is all the greater given that Iran is likely to win any such clash and to treat the result as a licence to reassert its influence in the region" (lines 17-20), given that can be replaced, without change in meaning, by

Based on the text, judge the following items.

"most of them" (lines 2 and 3) and the majority of them are synonymous expressions.

Which word has the meaning of “diminish” as it is used in “such differences are expected to diminish” (line 14)?

Judge the following item, concerning the vocabulary used in text 6A4AAA.

The expression “resulted from" (ℓ.3) could be replaced by arose out of, without changing the meaning of the text.

Judge the following item, concerning the vocabulary used in text 5A7-I.

The phrase unprecedented suffering conveys the same idea as “untold suffering" (R.6).

Where's the best place in America to live if you want to maximize your chances of living longer?

Based on an authoritative new state-by-state study of the American burden of disease, disability and premature death, and how it has changed from 1990 to 2016, you might consider setting down roots in Hawaii, where residents have the longest life expectancy, 81.3 years.

But if your goal is to live long and stay healthy as long as you can, call Minnesota your home, which outranks every state and the District of Columbia for average length of healthy life expectancy, 70.3 years.

Perhaps I should have stayed in Minneapolis, a city I loved and still do nearly 53 years after moving to New York to work for The New York Times.

Available at:®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=7&pgtype=sectionfront. Access in: 22/06/2018.

What word best describes the word “burden"?

The linking expression “In addition” (lines 31- 32) can be used as a synonym for

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

According to the context of use, consider the following replacement of words of the text:

I. span (l. 01) for cover.

II. breadth (l. 01) for gasp.

III. thrive (l. 22) for be successful.

Which ones completely change the meaning of the utterance?

The article uses the noun “ONLOOKER”. All the synonyms are correct, EXCEPT one. Choose the INCORRECT answer.

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