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Based on the text above, judge the following items.

With the 24 new languages Google added to its translation platform, the number of languages has now increased up to 20%, which has now 133 languages at the users’ disposal.

Based on the previous text, judge the following items.

The words “impulsively” and “easily”, in the first paragraph, and the word “disability”, in the third paragraph, are examples of adverbs in English.

Up to 2003, JK Rowling has married twice and has lived in three different countries

The noun “curriculum”, in the third paragraph, comes from Latin and its plural form is curricula.

Tendo como referência o assunto do texto precedente e o que orienta o Currículo de Pernambuco em relação aos processos avaliativos em língua inglesa nos ensinos fundamental e médio, julgue o item a seguir.

Questões avaliativas que lidem com vocabulário devem respeitar a diversidade dos contextos culturais dos estudantes.

Com relação às competências e habilidades apresentadas no Currículo de Pernambuco para o componente curricular língua inglesa e para a área de linguagens e suas tecnologias, julgue o item que se segue.

O ensino de língua inglesa na educação básica deve proporcionar um ambiente de imersão no idioma estrangeiro, sem nenhuma referência à língua materna dos estudantes.

Com relação às competências e habilidades apresentadas no Currículo de Pernambuco para o componente curricular língua inglesa e para a área de linguagens e suas tecnologias, julgue o item que se segue.

As práticas de linguagem para a consolidação das habilidades a serem alcançadas pelo estudante no ensino fundamental são oralidade, leitura, escrita, gramática, conhecimentos linguísticos e dimensão intercultural.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Although children are not learning enough about plants in basic school, there are still a significant number of higher education students who have basic botanical knowledge.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The words “Data” (in the second paragraph) and “flora” (in the first paragraph) are both examples of uncountable nouns that refer to groups of specific elements.

Judge the following items according to the text above.

The British Empire maintains the same dominance around the globe as it did before, the spread of the English language being a consequence of such a situation.

Judge the following items according to the text above.

The article “English rules”, mentioned in the text, states that the global spread of the English language has come to a halt.

Based on the comic strip above, judge the following items.

The man reckons wearing smart clothes will make a good impression on his audience.

Based on the comic strip above, judge the following items.

Although the word “suit” is used as a noun in the first box, it can also be used as a verb, as in the sentence this color doesn’t suit you.

According to the first lines about JK Rowling, she has no brothers but she has two sisters.

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