In “In addition to these specialists, banks need general clerical help" (lines 25-27), the phrase these specialists refers to


According to Text I, one of the guiding principles for clean energy investment is


The main purpose of Text II is to


In the fragment of the text “Thankfully, this time around, the

outlook for renewable energy isn't so bleak" (lines 11-12), the

word bleak can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by


In the fragment of the text “Due in part to the turn away from oil in the 70s, today the United States produces just 0.7 percent of its electricity using petroleum. Therefore, the price of oil has no direct impact on the price of electricity” (lines 25-28), the linking word therefore introduces the idea of
In the 6th paragraph of the text, the highlighted expression as well as, in the fragment “as well as ability to change direction and submerge” is associated with the idea of
In the sentence fragment of the fifth paragraph “Designing robots for sports requires much more than experts in state-of-the-art technology”, the words in bold can be replaced, without any change in meaning, by the following words:

In the sentence of the last paragraph “In short, banks are best-placed to succeed if they commit to end-to-end digital transformation”, the phrase In short conveys an idea of


In “Candidates can also check Internet job sites and the classified ads in local newspapers as well" (lines 45- 47), the modal verb can is replaced, without change in meaning, by


In the fragments “some recent data suggests that as economic growth has picked up" (lines 47-48) and “Beijing has high ambitions for a much cleaner energy economy, driven not least by the levels of air pollution in many of the major cities" (lines 49-51), picked up and driven by mean, respectively,